Working group members

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Name: Rajeev A Interests: Sustainable Supply chains, Behavioral Operations, Circular Economy
Institution: Institute of Rural Management Anand Personal Website:
Country: India Email: [email protected]
Name: equilibre abdo Interests: -
Institution: 1973 Personal Website: -
Country: - Email: [email protected]
Name: Renata Aguayo Interests: Soft Operational Research, SODA, Strategic Planning, Sustainable Development Goals
Institution: University of Freiburg Personal Website: -
Country: Germany Email: [email protected]
Name: Heinz Ahn Interests: -
Institution: Institute of Management Control and Business Accounting Personal Website:
Country: Germany Email: [email protected]
Name: Ümmühan Akbay Interests: Behavioral Operations, Supply Chain Management
Institution: Işık University Personal Website: -
Country: Turkey Email: [email protected]
Name: Kamil Akel Interests: MCDM, AltA, Optimization.
Institution: NATO Personal Website:
Country: United States Email: [email protected]
Name: Vera Alonso Interests: BOR Behavior operational research
Institution: Unip Personal Website: http://user_url
Country: Brazil Email: [email protected]
Name: Ana Flávia Alves dos Santos Interests: MCDA, Decision Conferencing, Collaborative Modelling, Participatory Approaches, Value Measurement Models, Management Science, Biases, Experimental Research, Debiasing tools, Testing effectiveness of debiasing tools, Decision-Based Design
Institution: Instituto Superior Técnico Personal Website:
Country: Portugal Email: [email protected]
Name: Alice H. Aubert Interests: MCDA as learning process; citizen engagement; preference elicitation; debiasing; environmental decision-making; gamification; MAVT
Institution: Zurich University of Applied Sciences Personal Website:
Country: Switzerland Email: [email protected]
Name: Luiz Flavio Autran Monteiro Gomes Interests: Behavior-based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
Institution: Federal University of ABC & Autran Apoio à Decisão Personal Website:
Country: Brazil Email: [email protected]
Name: Melanie Ayre Interests: human-centric decision support; market design; adoption of optimisation
Institution: CSIRO Personal Website:
Country: Australia Email: [email protected]
Name: Maryam Azani Interests: BOM
Institution: Eindhoven University of Technology Personal Website: -
Country: Netherlands Email: [email protected]
Name: Elena Bakhanova Interests: participatory modeling, stakeholder engagement, gamification
Institution: University of Technology Sydney Personal Website:
Country: - Email: [email protected]
Name: Ingrid Bastings Interests: Facilitation, Strategic Decision Analysis, Wargaming, Scenarios
Institution: TNO Personal Website: -
Country: Netherlands Email: [email protected]
Name: Femke Bekius Interests: Complex decision-making, game theory, social choice theory, decision support methods, application in empirical setting.
Institution: Radboud University Nijmegen, School of Management Personal Website: -
Country: Netherlands Email: [email protected]
Name: Nissia Bergiante Interests: -
Institution: Universidade Federal Fluminense Personal Website: -
Country: - Email: [email protected]
Name: Valentin Bertsch Interests: Behavioural Operational Research Multi-Criteria Decision Analyis (MCDA) Energy System Modelling and Analysis Analysis of Public Acceptance Consideration of Behavioural Aspects in Energy System Models
Institution: Ruhr-Universität Bochum Personal Website:
Country: Germany Email: [email protected]
Name: Bosko Blagojevic Interests: Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA); Application of MCDA methods in environmental decision making; Biases and behavioral aspects of decision making; Group decision making; Weights of decision makers; AHP; MAUT;
Institution: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Personal Website:
Country: Sweden Email: [email protected]
Name: Fredrik Bökman Interests: decision analysis, risk analysis, MCDA, judgement and decision making
Institution: University of Gävle Personal Website: -
Country: Sweden Email: [email protected]
Name: Kris Braekers Interests: Logistics, Metaheuristics, Vehicle routing, Combinatorial optimization
Institution: Hasselt University Personal Website:
Country: Belgium Email: [email protected]
Name: Katharina Burger Interests: Behavioural OR, Soft OR, Group Dynamics, Practice and Process of OR
Institution: UCL Personal Website:
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: Jorge Chicaiza Interests: Behavioral Operations Research
Institution: TU-Dortmund Personal Website: -
Country: Germany Email: [email protected]
Name: Jane Christie Interests: -
Institution: University of Kent Personal Website:
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: Shari De Baets Interests: Judgmental forecasting, decision making, heuristics and biases
Institution: Open University of the Netherlands Personal Website:
Country: Belgium Email: [email protected]
Name: Thomas De Lombaert Interests: Warehousing, Behavioral operations (management), human factors
Institution: Hasselt University Personal Website:
Country: - Email: [email protected]
Name: Mounir Derboghossian Interests: Gamification, Behavioral Outcomes
Institution: University of Vienna Personal Website: -
Country: Austria Email: [email protected]
Name: Fouad El Gohary Interests: Energy transition, demand response, demand-side management, behavioral science
Institution: Uppsala University Personal Website:
Country: Sweden Email: [email protected]
Name: Andrea Ellero Interests: Tourism, operations research, pricing, multicriteria, rough sets, optimization
Institution: Università Ca' Foscari Venezia Personal Website: -
Country: Italy Email: [email protected]
Name: Ayşegül Engin Interests: Behavioral OR, Decision Making, Decision Analysis, Experiments
Institution: University of Vienna Personal Website: -
Country: Austria Email: [email protected]
Name: Ayham Fattoum Interests: Soft OR, The Viable System Model, Soft Systems Methodology, Complexity Management, and Decision making.
Institution: The University of Manchester Personal Website: -
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: Valentina Ferretti Interests: Spatial Decision Support Systems; debiasing; Decision Analysis; Risk Analysis
Institution: London School of Economics and Political Science Personal Website: http://user_url
Country: - Email: [email protected]
Name: Robert Fildes Interests: Forecasting; forecaster behaviour; Forecasting support systems design
Institution: Lancaster University Management School Personal Website: http://user_url
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: Liliana Freitas Interests: Biases in decision making, Participatory processes, Judgmental elicitation, MCDA
Institution: CEG-IST, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade De Lisboa Personal Website: -
Country: Portugal Email: [email protected]
Name: Helena Gaspars-Wieloch Interests: operations research, optimization, algorithms, one-criterion and multi-criteria programming, decision making under uncertainty, decision maker's preferences, scenario planning
Institution: Poznan University of Economics and Business Personal Website:
Country: Poland Email: [email protected]
Name: Hayette GATFAOUI Interests: Behavioral Finance, Quantitative Methods, Econometrics, Energy Economics
Institution: IESEG SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Personal Website:
Country: France Email: [email protected]
Name: Jutta Geldermann Interests: Multi criteria decision support, production management, energy and ressource efficiency; EURO Journal on Decision Processes
Institution: University of Duisburg-Essen Personal Website:
Country: Germany Email: [email protected]
Name: Maryam Gharegozlu Interests: behavioral game-theoretic approach Optimization Supply chain
Institution: - Personal Website: -
Country: - Email: [email protected]
Name: Hida Ghasemi Interests: -
Institution: University of Coimbra Personal Website: -
Country: - Email: [email protected]
Name: İlker Gölcük Interests: -
Institution: Izmir Bakircay University Personal Website: -
Country: Turkey Email: [email protected]
Name: Pelin Gulum Tas Interests: Behavioural Decision Making, Multi Criteria Decision Making, Time Preferences in Decision Making
Institution: TU Delft Personal Website: -
Country: Netherlands Email: [email protected]
Name: Raimo P. Hämäläinen Interests: Behavioural OR , decision analysis, environmental modelling, systems intelligence
Institution: Systems Analysis Laboratory , Aalto University Personal Website:
Country: Finland Email: [email protected]
Name: Stefan Häussler Interests: My research focuses on order release, lead time management and priority dispatching and their practical application. Methodologically, my focus is on simulation (discrete event simulation) and optimization (linear programming), but also on quantitative methods from other areas such as economic experiments or machine learning methods.
Institution: University of Innsbruck Personal Website:
Country: - Email: [email protected]
Name: Susan Howick Interests: -
Institution: Prof Personal Website: -
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: Maura Hunt Interests: MCDM, cognitive psychology, interactive user interfaces
Institution: University of Manchester Personal Website: -
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: Khalid Imran Interests: Organizational Behaviour and Professional Communication, Quality of Work Life and Operations Research
Institution: Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering Personal Website: -
Country: India Email: [email protected]
Name: RM Kazakov Interests: Behavioural Decision Making, System Dynamics and Agent based Modelling and Simulation, Soft OR,
Institution: University of Strathclyde Personal Website:
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: Mohd Mujahid Khan Interests: Behavioral Operations, Operations-Finance Interface, Behavioral Inventory Decisions
Institution: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Personal Website: -
Country: India Email: [email protected]
Name: Christian Köster Interests: Behavioral Decision Making; Experimental Economics; Behavioral Operations Management; Supply Chain Decision Making and Contracting
Institution: Clausthal University of Technology Personal Website: -
Country: - Email: [email protected]
Name: Anup Kumar Interests: -
Institution: - Personal Website: -
Country: - Email: [email protected]
Name: Martin Kunc Interests: BOR
Institution: Southampton Business School Personal Website:
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: David Lane Interests: Policy analysis, system dynamics modelling, strategic analysis, systems thinking, public policy, group decision support, problem structuring methods.
Institution: Henley Business School Personal Website:
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: Tim Lauer Interests: -
Institution: Infineon Technologies AG Personal Website: -
Country: Germany Email: [email protected]
Name: Ho Law Interests: AI; big data; cognitive systems analysis;
Institution: OR Society Personal Website:
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: Ilkka Leppanen Interests: -
Institution: Loughborough University Personal Website:
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: Michael Leyer Interests: Theories, interdisciplinarity, cognitive processes, decision analysis
Institution: University of Marburg/Queensland University of Technology Personal Website:
Country: - Email: [email protected]
Name: Judit Lienert Interests: Environmental decision-making, preference elicitation, stakeholder participation, online decision-making, surveys, experiments
Institution: Eawag: Swiss Federal Inst. of Aquatic Science and Technology Personal Website:
Country: Switzerland Email: [email protected]
Name: Marta Lopes Interests: Interdisciplinary approaches on energy and behaviour
Institution: INESC Coimbra, IPC-ESAC Personal Website:
Country: Portugal Email: [email protected]
Name: Francis Marleau Donais Interests: Group decision-making, Multicriteria decision aiding, Facilitation, Problem structuring
Institution: Laval University Personal Website:
Country: Canada Email: [email protected]
Name: Edgar Mascarenhas Interests: Group Decision-Making; Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis; Problem Structuring; Facilitated modelling; Practice of OR
Institution: IST Personal Website: -
Country: Portugal Email: [email protected]
Name: Lidia Mayangsari Interests: Behavioral OR
Institution: University of Southampton Personal Website:
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: Itamar Megiddo Interests: Decision-making; Agent-based modelling; Hybrid modelling; Health systems modelling; disease modelling; Integrating these models and economic models.
Institution: University of Strathclyde Personal Website:
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: Lidia Mayangsari Mulyadi Interests: Irrationality Food choice behavior Agent-based simulation Social network
Institution: University of Southampton Personal Website:
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: Frances O'Brien Interests: The practice of OR, OR methodology, the use of OR to support organisational strategic development, scenario planning
Institution: Warwick Business School Personal Website:
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: Anita Onay Interests: human-centric decision support for production planning and control
Institution: MCI Management Center Innsbruck Personal Website:
Country: Austria Email: [email protected]
Name: Stephan Onggo Interests: Behavioural modelling, agent-based simulation
Institution: University of Southampton Personal Website:
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: Friederike Paetz Interests: Marketing Analytics; Conjoint Choice Models; Consumer Behavior
Institution: Clausthal University of Technology Personal Website:
Country: Germany Email: [email protected]
Name: George Papachristos Interests: system dynamics, strategic management, sociotechnical transitions
Institution: Eindhoven University of Technology Personal Website:
Country: Netherlands Email: [email protected]
Name: Nadia Papamichail Interests: Decision analytics; Decision behaviour, analysis and support; individual cognitive characteristics.
Institution: The University of Manchester Personal Website:
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: Gülcan Petriçli Interests: Operations Research, Behavioral OR, Energy Management, Consumer Behavior, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Cognitive Maps
Institution: Uludağ University - Business Administration Dept. Personal Website: -
Country: Turkey Email: [email protected]
Name: Salimeh Pour Mohammad Interests: Soft-OR techniques, Viable System Model, Soft Canonical Operational Research, Social Network Analysis, Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Networks
Institution: University of Hull Personal Website: http://user_url
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: Salimeh Pour Mohammad Interests: Business Analytics, Social Network Analytics, Second-Order Cybernetics, HR/People analytics,
Institution: University of Warwick Business School Personal Website:
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: Jonan Raaijmakers Interests: Facilitated modelling; Open strategizing; Complex decision-making
Institution: Radboud University Personal Website: -
Country: Netherlands Email: [email protected]
Name: Akilesh Ramasamy Interests: Behavioural Insights, OR, Surgical Decision Making, Implementation Science & Systems research.
Institution: JIPMER (Karaikal Campus) Personal Website: -
Country: India Email: [email protected]
Name: Jafar Rezaei Interests: Multi-criteria decision-making; Group decision-making; Cognitive biases in multi-criteria decision-making
Institution: Delft University of Technology Personal Website: -
Country: Netherlands Email: [email protected]
Name: Etiënne Rouwette Interests: Facilitated modelling
Institution: Radboud University Personal Website: -
Country: Netherlands Email: [email protected]
Name: Anna-Lena Sachs Interests: -
Institution: University of Cologne Personal Website: -
Country: Germany Email: [email protected]
Name: Mohamed Saleh Interests: -
Institution: Cairo University Personal Website:
Country: - Email: [email protected]
Name: Daniel Sanchez-Loor Interests: Behavioral Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Applied Economics
Institution: Chung Yuan Christian University Personal Website:
Country: Taiwan, Province of China Email: [email protected]
Name: Karthik Sankaranarayananan Interests: Behavioral Operations, Humanitarian Operations and Simulation
Institution: University of Ontario Institute of Technology Personal Website: -
Country: Canada Email: [email protected]
Name: Sebastian Schiffels Interests: -
Institution: - Personal Website: -
Country: - Email: [email protected]
Name: Lisa Scholten Interests: Decision competence in complex systems Behavioural science, decision science, operational research, water management and policy
Institution: Delft University of Technology Personal Website:
Country: Netherlands Email: [email protected]
Name: Johannes Ulrich Siebert Interests: Behaviorval OR and Decision Making, Experiments, Proactive Decision Making, Creating Alternatives, Structuring Decision Problems
Institution: Management Center Innsbruck Personal Website:
Country: Austria Email: [email protected]
Name: Jana Siebert Interests: Behavioral OR, biases in decision making, multi-criteria decision making, fuzzy pairwise comparison matrices, fuzzy AHP
Institution: Palacky University Olomouc Personal Website:
Country: Czech Republic Email: [email protected]
Name: Francisco Silva Pinto Interests: -
Institution: Eawag Personal Website: -
Country: Switzerland Email: [email protected]
Name: Adrian Small Interests: Problem Structuring Methods, Soft OR, The Practice of OR, Multimethodology
Institution: Newcastle University Personal Website:
Country: - Email: [email protected]
Name: Maren Suffel Interests: Behavioral decision-making, Decision Support Systems, Artificial Intelligence
Institution: University of Vienna Personal Website: -
Country: Austria Email: [email protected]
Name: Yasushi Sugimoto Interests: decision analysis, computer-mediated communication and decision, problem-structuring methods, scenarios
Institution: Japan Research Institute Personal Website: -
Country: Japan Email: [email protected]
Name: Geqie Sun Interests: Behavioural decision making, Multi-attribute decision making, cognitive bias
Institution: Delft University of Technology Personal Website: -
Country: - Email: [email protected]
Name: Firouzeh Taghikhah Interests: Sustainability Resilience Socio-ecological modeling Behavioral modeling
Institution: Australian National University Personal Website:
Country: - Email: [email protected]
Name: Firouzeh Taghikhah Interests: Sustainability Resilience Socio-ecological modeling Behavioral modeling
Institution: Australian National University Personal Website:
Country: Australia Email: [email protected]
Name: Antuela Tako Interests: Simulation, behavioural simulation, facilitated simulation, conceptual modelling.
Institution: Nottingham Trent University Personal Website:
Country: United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Name: Lijia Tan Interests: Behavioral Operations Management
Institution: - Personal Website:
Country: Netherlands Email: [email protected]
Name: test test Interests: -
Institution: test Personal Website: -
Country: - Email: [email protected]
Name: Ulrich Thonemann Interests: Behavioral Operations, Optimization, Supply Chain Management
Institution: University of Cologne Personal Website:
Country: Germany Email: [email protected]
Name: Surafel Tilahun Interests: operations research
Institution: Addis Ababa Science & Technology University Personal Website: -
Country: Ethiopia Email: [email protected]
Name: Carolina van Weerd Interests: Strategic foresight, scenario planning, strategy, facilitation
Institution: TNO Personal Website: http://-
Country: Netherlands Email: [email protected]
Name: Rudolf Vetschera Interests: Decision making; Group Decisions and negotiation; Behavioral OR
Institution: University of Vienna Personal Website: -
Country: Austria Email: [email protected]
Name: Ana Vieira Interests: -
Institution: Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa (IST-UL) Personal Website: -
Country: Portugal Email: [email protected]
Name: Milena Wiget Interests: Decision-making in environmental governance; preference elicitation combined with Social Network Analysis (SNA)
Institution: Eawag Personal Website:
Country: Switzerland Email: [email protected]
Name: Gerhard Wolgers Interests: Psychology, Behavior operational analysis, Nudging and Behavioral change design, Human factors & Engineering psychology, Personnel selection assessments and decisions
Institution: Swedish Defence Research Agency Personal Website: -
Country: Sweden Email: [email protected]
Name: Mirel Yavuz Interests: Multi criteria decision making, fairness, sustainaiblity, decision analysis, decision support systems
Institution: UCLA Personal Website: -
Country: United States Email: [email protected]