BPP Spreadsheet Solver

BPP Spreadsheet Solver is now available.

Developed by Dr. Güneş Erdoğan, 2015.
Mailto: G.Erdogan[at]bath.ac.uk

The Microsoft Excel workbook “BPP Spreadsheet Solver” is an open source unified platform for representing, solving, and visualising the results of Bin Packing Problems (BPPs). It can solve BPPs with up to 200 items and 50 bins.

The download link is available here.

BPP Spreadsheet Solver is a continuation of the VRP Spreadsheet Solver and FLP Spreadsheet Solver, and is based on the same design principles and similar worksheet and menu structures. It is capable of solving the one-dimensional and two-dimensional BPPs, allows for multiple bin types and the possibility of adding item-item and bin-item compatibility constraints.

A video tutorial is available at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWD207zxm8Q