Solutions for Decision Making


The EWG-DSS is the Working Group on Decision Support Systems within EURO: the Association of the European Operational Research Societies.

The circle below illustrates the process-loop that translates the main activities of the EWG-DSS envisaging the dissemination of DSS Information (1) and Research (2), in order to encourage DSS Development (3) and Collaboration (4) among the DSS researchers and professionals. As a consequence, Publication (5) opportunities to document the research & development processes and the end results are promoted within the EWG-DSS editions.

Specifically, to accomplish the main objectives listed above, the EWG-DSS promotes the following key-activities:


  • Annual ICDSST Conference and other Conference-Streams organization related to Decision Support Systems topics.
  • Annual Journal Special Issues publications, on support of the annual EWG-DSS organized Conferences, providing publication opportunities in the DSS Community.
  • Annual EWG-DSS Newsletter publication, promoting the events and the research achievements of the EWG-DSS members and of the DSS Community as a whole.
  • Annual EWG-DSS-Award: a motivating research initiative for young researchers to submit and present their work in one of the EWG-DSS annual organized events.
  • Collaboration projects among the group members.

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